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Meet Emily Kyle of Emily Kyle Nutrition

April 2022 | Davone Madison

I had the pleasure of getting to know Emily Kyle of who is a Wife, Mother,  Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Holistic Cannabis Practitioner, and owner of Emily Kyle Nutrition LLC. She is also one of my favorite sources for everything about cannabis nutrition on the web.


Q: Who and where is Emily from?


A: I’m Emily Kyle and I am lucky enough to spend my time between Rochester, New York and Palm Coast, Florida.


Q: What is your company and what do you do in the Cannabis Industry?


A: The name of my company is Emily Kyle Nutrition, LLC and I am in the cannabis education space. My company focuses on providing cannabis education, edible recipes,  and high quality products to empower others to use cannabis in their own kitchens and beyond.


Q: I love your website, recipes and Instagram page tell us everything you do…


A: I am really fortunate to run a boutique online cannabis store which sells high-quality oils, topicals, gummies, and both physical and digital learning products. Just this year I released my first cannabis cookbook, Cannabis Drinks Made Simple, which has been a great addition to the product line.


Q: Are you a wake and bake kinda girl and How do you start your day?


A: I am absolutely a wake and bake kind of girl. If I was going to have my best day, I would get up with the baby, medicate, and then get into my exercise routine. I find wake and bake to be the greatest way to motivate myself to exercise! After that it’s a shower, getting my other son ready for school and on the bus, and then getting settled into my work day.


Q: What made you start smoking and eating cannabis?


A: I have been using cannabis on a daily basis for over 12 years. I was truthfully at a very low place in my life, struggling with anxiety and depression. I had already dropped out of college when a friend introduced me to cannabis. For me, cannabis made me feel so much better that I went back to college and got my degree to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I was so thankful that cannabis made me feel so good again that I got back out and accomplished so much in my life.


Q: Do you have any medical conditions that you use cannabis to relieve some of the symptoms?


A: I initially started with cannabis to treat my anxiety and depression. Later in life, I turned to medical cannabis to help me manage chronic pain. That’s the great thing about cannabis, it can be used for a wide variety of conditions from the physical to mental and emotional.


Q: What are the changes you noticed in the Cannabis Industry since you started ?


A: The cannabis industry has changed leaps and bounds since I first started even just 3 years ago. When I first began my career as a dietitian, I was terrified that anyone would ever find out that I used cannabis. I thought that if people knew I used cannabis they would judge me and not take me seriously. Since transitioning to my work in the cannabis industry, I have been so pleased to see how many people have been open and welcoming and supportive. There is a great cannabis community out there that can help you if you you’re just coming out of the cannabis closet.


Q: The Cannabis Closet ...That's too funny!….Tell me a story about a strain you love and why?


A: Last year was my first year growing my own cannabis and I was so proud to be able to grow the famous LA Confidential strain. It continues to be my favorite strain today, it’s just right for my workday, it keeps me motivated and focused throughout the day and allows me to use cannabis while remaining productive.



Q: I love that! That’s why this blog is called “The Productive Stoner Blog” to HIGH-light all of the people who use cannabis and STILL GET things accomplished. How has cannabis impacted your life?


A: Cannabis truly has impacted every single aspect of my life. From my family life, to my professional life, to my personal life. Cannabis has improved my health and wellness, my mindset, my motivation, and has positively impacted me in so many different ways. I’m always so thankful to the plant for all of the opportunities that it has given me.


Q: Has your company done any charitable work in the name of cannabis?


A: With half a million visitors visiting our website each month, we donate all of our unused ad inventory to charitable organizations. To date, we have been able to donate to No Kid Hungry, United Way, Operation Gratitude, Cookies for Kids Cancer, and more thanks to our readers.


Q: That’s amazing that you are giving back in the name of cannabis. Have you experienced any discrimination being a women in the cannabis industry?


A: I personally have not, but I also tend to live in my own little bubble with blinders on at times. My mom taught me that I could do anything I wanted to do, and whether that’s in the cannabis industry or not, I have always had the confidence and perseverance needed to make it in this industry.



Q: Any last words or wisdom for a person who wants to know more about cannabis but is hesitant because of the stigma surrounding it….


A: I too used to be so afraid of the stigma surrounding cannabis, I spent my whole life pretending I wasn’t a cannabis user. But once I came out of the cannabis closet, a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I have been able to not only help myself, but help others as well, learn to live a productive healthy and happy lifestyle. It may seem very scary at first, to come out of the closet, I can promise you that there is a wonderful world full of really amazing, kind, supportive people who will help support your decision and help celebrate the milestones as you continue to feel better.



You can learn more about Emily at and follow her at